today @caltech rolled out their general re-opening plan, a lot of leeway given to individual labs/divisions
— Andrey staying at home???? (@aandr314) May 22, 2020
I'm having problems keeping up with requests. I posted both files (as a single PDF) with an intro explaining my process on the first page of my group site:
— Prof. Andrea Armani (@ProfArmani) May 13, 2020
Good luck everyone! @AcademicChatter @AcademicsSay @NewPI_Slack @Mid_Career_PI #AcademicTwitter
I put this together (with Jessica Luetger) for our campus reopening committee. I thought others may find it useful.
— Troy Swanson (@T_Swanson) May 1, 2020
"Literature on Returning to Work During the Covid-19 Pandemic"
I REALLY, REALLY hope we can return to in-person teaching in September (though I recognize that might not happen). Either way, here're some things I hope the ‘higher-ups’ at my university are thinking about NOW to make the return to school safe experience… whenever it may come:
— Ryan Katz-Rosene (@ryankatzrosene) May 1, 2020
Reopening colleges imho needs a mixed approach: labs and practical activities on campus, the rest online. It would simplify distancing and cleaning, while minimizing impact on learning. With three months for planning it is doable and quality can be maintained.
— Alberto Passalacqua (@errantThinker) May 2, 2020
In a phased reopening of MIT campus, a privacy-preserving opt-out mechanism proposed by #Isolat enables community members who feel uncomfortable to return to opt-out anonymously and work remotely. #covid19
— MIT IDSS (@mitidss) April 27, 2020
Look up your school to see if decisions regarding reopening campus for this fall has been taken.
— Yasamin Rezaei (@YasaminRezaei) April 29, 2020
We are starting to make plans for returning to lab (date TBD). Initial conversations have included creating sufficient distance between researchers at the bench, staggering schedules, masks, effective sanitation of work spaces…what are else should we consider? @UMLifeSciences
— Alison Narayan (@AlisonNarayanUM) April 19, 2020
Anyone trying to access my blog post from a few days ago on COVID risks, you can find it hosted here now. The volume of views couldn't be handled by the original server
— Erin Bromage (@ErinBromage) May 9, 2020
As #COVID19 restrictions ease in some places, you may be looking to reopen your lab. Here are my tips for doing that safely. Most important: if you can't do it safely, don't do it. #chemsafety #chemtwitter #realtimechemistry
— Brenna Brown, PhD (@BrennaArlyce) May 10, 2020
We just got guidelines about what needs to be put in place to allow research/lab to reopen @GVSU. My big concern has always been the addition of human exercise testing for @GVSUExSci. This is a must read!!! @coachkylebarnes@NicholasLerma
— Ross Sherman PhD (@dr_ross1976) May 7, 2020
Qs for all scientists and academics: Has your research institute/University developed any guidelines for implementing return-to-campus and return-to-lab work? If so, would you mind sharing these with me? I'm interested in if/how other places are thinking about this tricky issue.
— Savraj Grewal (@SavrajGrewal) May 10, 2020
Yes I agree that lead time to return to work is important to communicate about plans. Here’s our work in progress plan if it’s helpful. Comments welcome
— Stephen Floor (@stephenfloor) May 15, 2020